So, I took the personality test my girl Nataly showed me, and this is what I got.
I am an INFP.
That stands for---> Introversion, iNtuition, feeling, perception. Only 4-5% of America's population is this type.
Idealistic Healer.
---It can't be truer that I'm a healer, because as surely as I love to listen to people & find a way to help them out, I am also constantly looking for ways to heal them. This can be a HUGE problem regarding my faith. I clash with wanting to heal and change myself and everyone on a daily basis, when I should let Jesus heal & change us.
---As an INFP, my main concern is personal growth. All my energy & focus is directed inwardly. Unlike the extrovert, where their focus is on other people & they gain strength by being around people, as an introvert, being around too much people for too long drains me & I need to seclude to renew & regain strength. I need to be alone to process stuff, and even though I don't mind being alone, I feel that I miss out on people a lot.
I hate that I am not a true extrovert, people-centered person. It greatly clashes with the fact that I love people. I really do, I enjoy people, I have a deeper sympathy & genuine care for people than the other personality types, but at the same time, I love me my solitude.
*Outside of the personality test, my love language is Physical Touch.
I feel most loved when I'm physically close to a person, no matter what we're doing. At the same time, I don't like to go to people for advice or take their time mostly cause I feel that I'll be able to handle it by myself & I don't wanna be a nuisance. I'm a very private person, I wanna deal with things on my own and don't like asking for help.
Other things that suck about me:
--I expect too much of people. I have so much learning, embracing & loving to do.
--I expect too much of myself. I always have this feeling of guilt & emptiness that I'm not trying hard enough or doing enough..which for the most part is true anyway. I have very high standards for everything, that I don't know how I'm gonna deal with settling down later. I am kind of a perfectionist & can be controlling. If I am doing group work, I don't trust that someone else has the best answer, so I usually end up doing all the work.
--I don't speak up when I'm amongst a group of people & they are talking all at once. Like I said, it's draining to me. I sit back & observe everyone and listen to what they're saying, analyzing. If someone happens to comment on my silence and asks me what I think, I'll spill out all the beans & they're like.."Whoa..where did that come from?"
--I deal with my emotions alone. It's only when I really can't deal with something, that I seek out people.
--I'm happy to spend time alone, but sometimes I depend too much on myself.
--Being a healer, I very much dislike conflict & not being in harmony.
---I spend so much time in my mind
2 Corinthians 10:4-5.
Why am I so complicated?!
Why don't I make sense?
God must love making paradoxes. :)
that's me! :)