My friend Andrew shared his letter to his future wife, and I thought it was sweet, and I decided to share it as a Guest Post. So here it is....
Hey Wife,
I hope that you are doing well today. I know that you are and that God is protecting you and your heart. I’m sorry if you’ve ever been hurt. I’m sorry if some guy told you that he loved you and then broke your heart soon after. I’m sorry, but you must know that I’ve done the same (without saying that I love you).
I want you to know that I pray and think about you everyday. I want you to know that I’ll do whatever it takes to fight for you and pursue you. I desire to have what it takes, even if people tell me that I can’t have you or that you’re way out of my league. When we’re together, you make my heart thump more than anything (except for Jesus of course).
You love me regardless of my faults, and I love you equally. God reveals Himself to me through you and He reveals Himself to you through me. We learn about God as we learn about ourselves.
I know that guys get a bad wrap when it comes to cooking, but I want to let you know that, while I may not be the best, I’ll give it a shot. After all, I do make a killer French Toast recipe, or so I’m told. When I see you my heart wells up in side. Not only do I love your outward beauty, but I also love your inward beauty as well. I’ll miss you when I’m teaching everyday. I’ll tell my elementary school kids about you and this will give me an opportunity to share our story with them. Who knows? Maybe it will be a platform for me to lead a few of them to Jesus Christ.
When we get married, we are going to think things are perfect. We’ll go think everything is okay and then we’ll have kids. I’ll try my best to serve you with my all, but I know I’ll fail at times. I’m not perfect and if I was I’d be Jesus. Thank you for showing me love even when I fail.
I realize that we’re going to have our fair share of argument. My face will probably be red, and sometimes I might take a walk because I’m so mad. But I want you to know that I’m sorry. Would you forgive me?
Thank you for accepting me for who I am and not what I do. I realize that my job is something that I’m going to love dearly, but my identity is found in Jesus Christ.
I don’t think I’ve met you yet, but maybe I have. When I find you, I’m going to pursue you like God pursued me. He knows me inwardly and outwardly, and I want to know the same stuff about you.
Lastly, I wanted to say that there are going to be some things I’ve done in my past that are sad and pretty pathetic. I’m going to tell you these things at some point in our relationship (most likely) before marriage. Some of these things are going to make you mad and sad. You’re going to know me inwardly and outwardly. Thank you for loving and accepting me enough to forgive me for what I’ve already done.
I miss you and hope to find you one day.
Until then, I’m going to talk to God about you.