Sunday, March 18

Road Trips and Ball Games

As a kid, my family was a big "road trip family". Since flying seven people across the country was too expensive (this was before the sky-high gas prices), riding in a steaming-too-many-suitcases-and-people-to-be-comfortable car was more practical. I have a slew of siblings/cousins and the abundance of colorful personalities equally offset the lack of money. My own home wasn’t exactly plush – we've never had bedrooms that weren't shared with at least two other people. But there were fewer of us and so it always seemed a bit more towards the upper end of the impoverished scale. But despite the crowd, I’ve never been in a household so thunderously peaceful.

I remember thinking freshman year at Cedarville that I would take a road trip when I graduated and visit different states. No plans, no agendas. Just point myself down a dust-filled road and drive. Went for a walk on campus today, and I just wanted to keep going. I saw the baseball field on campus for the first time today. As sentimental as it sounds, I could have cried.

I wanted to play baseball forever. There's a feeling you get when you step on the field and step up to the plate. Every player, young and old, gets this feeling that all of your worries don't matter. The only thing that matters is hitting the ball, not what you screwed up yesterday or don't know how to say. Now, I haven't played in almost two years. Freshman year, I came to Cedarville with a bang. I refuse to leave a whimpering shell.

I can't wait for the road ahead. Some day, I want to be able to say that I've had plenty of endless road trips and night-time ball games.

Oh and one more thing, if anyone could lend me a ball and bat, I'd sure like to play again.

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