Thursday, July 28

1 John 1:9

The lack of humanity in people has begun to exhaust me less and cause me to pity others more. Why pick and drag and rake others over coals, over your expectations when your knowledge is limited, and you yourself have such lengths to go. I must not let myself slip and be negative, I must first myself become a gatekeeper to wayward phrases and judgements. I must guard myself by guarding others by the sting of my judgement. And as this happens, and I appreciate my own guard keeping I will understand how difficult it is for others. 
Instead of relishing in the negativity in people, the flaws, or who may have done better. Why can’t we just promote the good and take critics as they are, as a small knick of what to improve upon, but not a resounding hit and bruise, that in some cases could cripple.

Tuesday, July 26

Home Quotes

"The hardest thing to do in this world is live in it."

"This world is the place I breathe/Let me never call it home."

"Can Heaven be called home? I've never been there before."

"Home doesn't exist."

"I've never been more homesick than now."

{"Home is a place that holds all the people in the word that you love the most."--Me
   "In that case, I've never been home."--Damian
   "Someday, you'll be there, maybe with a family of your own."--Me
   "Home's the nicest word I know, but I hate it all the same. Sometimes, the most wonderful thing in the world to most people is the worstest thing to you."--Damian
     "I know what you mean."}--Me
"Home is not where you live but where they understand you."

"Peace---that was the other name for home."

"This is not home."

"Home is childhood"

Saturday, July 23

Psalm 118:5

To struggle in my soul
To feel as though a sin
Is almost as good
That is the best case
For my never seeing God
Or Heaven
I cannot conquer for
The battle is not in my favor if I work in my
Own strength
Constantly struggling
My mind is tormented
My soul is diseased
Oh God,
          Help me!