Tuesday, March 6

Letter to My Brothers

To my brother,
This started as a simple letter, a few lines to support you, and show my appreciation. Momentum got a hold of the process, however, and here we are.
You are whatever you want to be.
You choose your fate, you choose your label, and you choose your future.
You are my brother.
You are a person in charge of his own life who is capable of doing whatever you set your mind to.
What are your goals for tomorrow, and the week after that, and the year after that?
How are you going to navigate the world in light of the decisions you have made
You are a university student, of sound mind and body, and capable of anything.
Now decide what you are going to do with all that health and wisdom, and God-given talent
And quit calling yourself names
David was a philanderer,
Noah was a drunkard,
Peter was a fraidy-cat,
Moses was a murder

These are people who altered the paradigm of human society at one point because they did not accept the labels that the world chose to give them and they stayed true to their convictions and their beliefs. People who chose to live grand lives that outshined their mistakes and labels.
There is a power in you capable of far exceeding even those men. My point is that you are capable of anything

Though I know some of you better than others, I know you all have strengths
Your strengths as I know them:
You are extremely intelligent
Indomitably creative
People gravitate to you,
and all of you are “natural-born” leaders
In case you haven’t noticed there are people in your circle who look to you for advice and direction. They do this because of some innate gift you have to be a leader
You are a leader of men, a conqueror,
Now pick yourself up, shed the labels that the world would limit you with and actually use what you have
For too long we have toiled in the valley. God isn’t going to pull us out of the valley. He has equipped us with the tools to climb out on our own, and the unwavering strength to stand once we are there. God didn’t give you these resources, this talent, these gifts, this fortune and wisdom so that you could call yourselves names, and live under the weight of our depression
You are here to be a light to people.
To be the strong, gifted leaders that help people weather the storms
To guide the afflicted, to shore up the damaged, and build the foundations.
I have said it before and I shall say it again, you can accept the title the world has branded you with or you can do what needs to be done and prove what you know in my heart to be true: that whatever happens is going to happen on God’s terms, and regardless, you are going to MAN UP and take whatever design God has in store for you.
You can spin in circles with self-doubt, pulling yourself down and holding yourself down with self-criticism, and depression, Or you can pull yourself up, take charge of your life and fight.
The brother I know is a rebel
The brother I know could wrestle the Devil himself on sheer will alone.
The brother I know is a wondrous marvel whose story has yet to be told
I say all this out of love and reverence
I would say this to anyone I know and love, because I love you:
Show the world that the Lion within you is too massive to be tied down
Show the world that tenacious spirit that bars cannot hold
Show the world that you are serious about yourself, your goals, your dreams and that nothing is stronger than you
No man can hold you
No mortal can contend with you
No living thing on this earth can ever bind that which is within you
I started this as a simple letter
This is serious to me, so serious, that I want to set up a classroom and drill it into your head until you get it.
You could rule the world if you wanted to if you just realized for one small second how truly powerful you are.
People are waiting.
Sitting on their hands and hearts as they wait for you to see the wonder that you control, to see the TRUTH about yourself. I can say it a million times. I can know it for a lifetime, but until you see it for yourself then I’m just a tree in the forest that doesn’t matter because who cares if no one is around to hear it.
We are dust in the wind
We are but a leaf on the breeze
Do you realize?
Do you hear a word I am saying?
I am talking about you actually LIVING
And knowing that it is for a purpose
And knowing that it is UP TO YOU.
And knowing that no man can EVER decide the life that you are going to live
NO MAN has ever had that power unless you gave it to them,
So now go and be yourself
And take control of reality
And show the world who the hell you are
And know that you are doing it with the love and support of people whose prayers have been with you since you emerged onto this earth. You are stepping out with the strength of a powerful bloodline of kings, conquerors and leaders of men who have walked this earth for generations so that you can be here, so that you can take charge of yourself.
So that you can truly be the man that no one can tell you to be,
The man that has never been controlled
The man that has been sitting inside you all this time waiting for his time to truly shine. The man we all know and love and are waiting to arrive. The man YOU have to actually believe you can be before he will ever surface.
It all comes down to you
It has always come down to YOU
It will never come down to anything but you and your choices, and your life.
Wind in your sails, but you can only sail if you are willing to rise anchor and cast off into your life.

Your sister,
Miyah Faith