Tuesday, February 14

Dear Love

I missed you today. Sometimes, my heart feels so heavy without you. Then, I feel desperate, like I will strike out and do something stupid simply because you're not here.

I went back and looked at my old crushes. Darling, it is so interesting. Funny yet tainted with a bittersweet feeling that the person I like now is not you. He has another princess in mind, and I must quash these feelings before they get out of hand. It would be so much easier if you were here. When will you come?

In some ways, I wish you were here already. In others, I am sure that I am not yet ready or fit to meet you. I feel as if there are so many things I have to do to get ready for you; to make you proud of me and me worthy of you.

I wish, though, that I could see you. Hug you once and kiss you twice. On the forehead so you could remember me and know that I miss you as much, if not more, than I hope you miss me.

How's your life? What's it like there? Are you all you want to be? Does it hurt when you think about me? So many questions to ask. Yet, I am sure I shall forget them all when I meet you.



  1. this is so real girl. thanks for sharing, <3 i'm certain many empathize with you, even me.

  2. I've started praying for my future husband, and I thought I'd write him a few letters in the meantime. This is the first. :)
